Torso and lower face of naked person. Right arm covering breasts. Left arm held up by head.

Breast reconstruction includes all surgery on the breast to restore the breast following cancer surgery or trauma. Breast reconstruction may involve using breast implants (alloplastic) or your own tissue (autologous) in the process. This is often a complex situation that requires individualised care tailored to your needs, and may be quite emotional. At Tailored Plastic Surgery, we will try to work with you to restore and reconstruct your breasts.

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Is this surgery right for me?

There is no right or wrong when it comes to breast reconstruction. There may be some women who choose not to have any reconstruction, and others who wish to restore their breasts to what they were. Whatever your personal situation and feelings are, we recommend booking a consultation to discuss your circumstances, and help tailor your journey to your needs.

Book a consult
Upper torso of naked person. Arms crossed covering breasts.

What does the procedure
journey look like?

To begin your journey at Tailored Plastic Surgery, you will typically have an initial consultation to discuss your goals and see how we can help you. After a second consultation and a cooling-off period of one week, if you wish to proceed, we will schedule the surgery on a date that suits you. We will discuss the steps you need to take in the lead-up to your surgery, and also on the day of your procedure.

Four phases of plastic surgery journey. Phase 1: 1 hour consultation to discuss goals. Phase 2: Book and prepare for your surgery. Phase 3: 1 day, the procedure. Phase 4: 6-8 weeks post surgery, the recovery.

Procedure Risks

Breast reconstruction is a complex procedure that aims to restore the shape and appearance of the breast after mastectomy or significant breast tissue removal. In addition to general surgery risks, potential risks associated with breast reconstruction may include:

Capsular Contracture:

The formation of a thick scar tissue capsule around the breast implant, leading to breast deformity, pain, and asymmetry.

Breast Implant Malrotation or Malposition:

The rotation or migration of the implant from its original position, resulting in breast deformity and unevenness.

Breast Implant Rupture:

Rarely, breast implants may rupture, causing asymmetric breasts and deflation on the affected side.

Loss of Sensation:

Nerve injury during surgery can result in temporary or permanent loss of sensation in the nipple or a patch of breast skin.

Inability to Breastfeed:

Damage to the milk ducts during breast surgery may affect the ability to breastfeed. It is important to discuss this risk with your surgeon and consider the best procedure option for your individual situation.

Risk of BIA-ALCL:

Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is an extremely rare type of cancer that arises from immune cells around the implant. It is primarily associated with textured implants. Treatment typically involves implant removal and sometimes en-bloc capsulectomy.

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