Person in black shorts and crop, without upper face showing. Right hand on hip.

Liposuction is a procedure that reduces the amount of fat in various parts of your body. Liposuction involves injecting fluid into specific areas of the body, and then removing that fluid together with the body fat.

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Is this surgery right for me?

People who have this operation may wish to alter their body shape with reduced scars, or may wish to reshape specific contour abnormalities. Liposuction, when performed on its own, is better suited to people who have excess bulk without excess skin. However, liposuction can be performed in conjunction with other operations, such as abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), breast reduction, thigh reduction/thigh lift, brachioplasty/arm lift, and other procedures.

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Back of torso in black crop and underwear.

What does the procedure
journey look like?

To begin your journey at Tailored Plastic Surgery, you will typically have an initial consultation to discuss your goals and see how we can help you. After a second consultation and a cooling-off period of one week, if you wish to proceed, we will schedule the surgery on a date that suits you. We will discuss the steps you need to take in the lead-up to your surgery, and also on the day of your procedure.

Initially, you may experience some discomfort in affected areas. You may be wearing a post-operative compression garment and have instructions for medications to take at home, and exercises to perform. You should be able to go home within the first day or two. You should be able to return to work within one to two weeks depending on what your regular occupation is. We advise against strenuous physical activity and exercise within the first six weeks.

Four phases of plastic surgery journey. Phase 1: 1 hour consultation to discuss goals. Phase 2: Book and prepare for your surgery. Phase 3: 1 day, the procedure. Phase 4: 6-8 weeks post surgery, the recovery.

Procedure Risks

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat deposits from specific areas of the body. In addition to general surgery risks, it is important to be aware of procedure-specific potential risks and complications, which may include:

Contour Irregularities:

In some cases, liposuction can result in uneven or bumpy contours, leading to an irregular appearance of the treated area.

Fluid Imbalance:

During liposuction, fluids are injected into the body and can be suctioned out along with the fat. In rare cases, this can result in fluid imbalance, leading to complications such as fluid accumulation or dehydration.

Numbness or Sensation Changes:

Temporary or permanent changes in skin sensation, such as numbness or increased sensitivity, can occur in the treated areas after liposuction.


As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection. Following proper postoperative care instructions and maintaining good hygiene can help minimise this risk.

Hematoma or Seroma:

Collection of blood (hematoma) or fluid (seroma) under the skin may occur after liposuction. These can be drained if necessary to promote healing.

Still unsure? Here are some FAQs..

What scars will I have?

With liposuction, there are few scars, and they are typically very small in size. Most of the work is done under the skin, avoiding the need for large and more visible scars.

Will the effect be permanent?

While liposuction may reduce the number and size of fat cells in the affected area, its effect is best maintained by keeping a healthy diet and not gaining excessive amounts of weight after your procedure. The duration of effect is variable, and in some people is quite long-lasting.

Will the effect be permanent?

While liposuction may reduce the number and size of fat cells in the affected area, its effect is best maintained by keeping a healthy diet and not gaining excessive amounts of weight after your procedure. The duration of effect is variable, and in some people is quite long-lasting.