Woman in white tank top. Left up at right angle, right arm pointing at left bicep.

Brachioplasty, also known as arm lift or arm reduction, is a procedure that aims to alter the contour of your arm above the elbow. It involves removing excess skin and fat from this area, while hiding the scar as much as possible.

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Is this surgery right for me?

People who choose to have a Brachioplasty (arm lift) may have excessive amounts of skin and/or fat in their upper arm area. It can be performed in conjunction with liposuction or alone, depending on your individual needs. Dr Marc Seifman aims to help guide you on your journey from consultation to recovery.

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Top of brunette woman's head with arms held up above.

What does the procedure
journey look like?

To begin your journey at Tailored Plastic Surgery, you will typically have an initial consultation to discuss your goals and see how we can help you. After a second consultation and a cooling-off period of one week, if you wish to proceed, we will schedule the surgery on a date that suits you. We will discuss the steps you need to take in the lead-up to your surgery, and also on the day of your procedure.

Initially, you may experience some discomfort in your arm. You may be wearing a post-operative compression garment and have instructions for medications to take at home, and exercises to perform. You should be able to go home on the same day, although this may be different if the procedure is performed in conjunction with another procedure.You should be able to return to work within one to two weeks depending on what your regular occupation is. We advise against strenuous physical activity and exercise within the first six weeks.

Four phases of plastic surgery journey. Phase 1: 1 hour consultation to discuss goals. Phase 2: Book and prepare for your surgery. Phase 3: 1 day, the procedure. Phase 4: 6-8 weeks post surgery, the recovery.

Procedure Risks

Brachioplasty, also known as an arm lift, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the upper arms to improve their shape and contour. In addition to general surgery risks, potential risks and complications associated with brachioplasty may include:

Wound Healing Issues:

Brachioplasty incisions are made along the inner arm, and there is a risk of delayed wound healing, wound separation, or infection. Proper wound care and follow-up visits are crucial for optimal healing.


Brachioplasty results in visible scars along the inner arm. The appearance of scars can vary depending on individual healing processes and proper scar management techniques.

Numbness or Sensation Changes:

Nerve injury during the procedure can lead to temporary or permanent changes in skin sensation, such as numbness or altered sensitivity, in the treated areas.

Asymmetry or Contour Irregularities:

Achieving perfect symmetry and contouring can be challenging, and there is a possibility of uneven results or contour irregularities after brachioplasty.

Still unsure? Here are some FAQs..

Will I have drains in my arms?

Marc Seifman typically does not use drains for this procedure, although the need for drains is assessed on a case-by-case basis. If drains are used, they are typically removed on the first or second day after the operation.

What scars will I have?

There is typically a scar along the upper arm, which we aim to hide as much as possible on the inner aspect of your arm. Depending on how much skin needs to be removed, the scar may extend to, or slightly beyond, your elbow.